October 29, 2012

Monday Mischief: Frosty Mayhem

If you saw my post on Friday, you know we are having a Frosty Paws giveaway (enter and win some Frosty Paws for your pup!). You also remember I put all the stuffed Frosty dogs in the guest bedroom for their safety and comfort. I shut the door behind me, and figured they'd be in there resting and getting ready for their voyages to their new homes.

Well, later that night I was soaking in the tub with a book, and the hubs hears Rita in the back of the house romping around a little too happily. He goes to investigate and finds this:
Look how they're all trying to shield their eyes. Oh, the humanity!

As compared to the Before picture, which was how I left them:
"We'll just wait here 'til we find our new homes. Thanks! G'night!"

Yes, mischief was made with the Frosty pups.

But, not to worry! The Frostys are all fine! A bit molested, perhaps, but fine! Turns out the other door to the room was open, so Rita saw her opportunity for mischief and snuck in. (Our house is weird and the rooms all have sliding glass doors that open on to a sun room. We generally try to keep Rita out of the guest room, so I thought the door was shut. Since the blinds were drawn - so the Frostys could get some rest - I didn't notice that the door was actually open enough for her to sneak through.)

If you are entered or going to enter, rest assured the Frostys are all fine and awaiting their trip to your home when you win! And both doors are now firmly shut!

Don't forget to enter the Frosty Paws Giveaway! You have until Thursday at midnight.

Writerly Stuff
And now, for something completely different... I guest-posted on my writer friend Samantha Stroh Bailey's blog the other day about my 2nd book. You can check it out here if you are interested. Check out Sam's blog and her book, Finding Lucas for a fun Chick Lit read.


  1. Hee!Hee! Rita wasn't going to let a silly door stop her from having a little fun! Especially when there's another one! LOL!

  2. LOL! That is hilarious that they all agreed to wait right there:))))


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