July 15, 2012

Blog the Change for Animals Event

Wanna help a pup in need? 

Today, July 15, lots of dog bloggers are bringing attention to the upcoming "Bloggers Unite for Dog Rescue," a special online global event that will take place on July 23, 2012. The goal is to bring attention to the importance of dog adoption and related issues. The event is being sponsored by Blog the Change for Animals (BTC4animals.com) and they are partnering with Blog Catalog, and Dog Rescue Success to help save the lives of dogs in need.

Blog the Change

So, this is just a little heads up that on July 23rd, bloggers from all over will be posting about various dog rescue issues...
I'm planning to blog about what I do at Helen Woodward Animal Center, the animal shelter where I volunteer every Monday. Also on the 23rd, I'll list some ways you can help animals in need to. (And some of them are super easy-peasy!) And of course there will be lots of cute doggy pics.

Feel that? That's me tugging at your heart strings with this adorable pup pic.
If you have a blog, please consider participating on July 23rd. And if you don't have a blog, please be sure to drop by on the 23rd and see how you can help.

I'm also guest-blogging on a book blog that day! I need to hurry up and get blogging...

Stay Tuned...
As I mentioned last time, the paperback edition of What the Dog Ate is now available here direct from the printer, CreateSpace, and it is also now available from Amazon. Both at the low, low, introductory price of $9.99. (Do I sound like a late-night infomercial?) But wait... there's more! Stay tuned for a giveaway I'm planning of some fun things related to the book and for some more books news!

Blogging the Change for Animals is a blog hop
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  1. Wow Jackie. I had no idea you were an author too! I think you should tout your book.

    Thank you so much for Blogging the Change and for spreading the word about the July 23rd dog rescue event. I am really looking forward to your piece. I have heard so much about the Helen Woodward Animal Center.

    Mel Freer

  2. Had to share on my FB page. This is my kind of book Jackie. So glad you touted it!

  3. I have seen this around a lot but never participated. Maybe this time we can swing it :)

  4. Thanks, Mel! I have to go check out your Facebook page. :)

    Helen Woodward is a really cool place! I've been volunteering there for about...gosh, I forget - maybe 7 years now.

    And, yes, Jessica - join us! This is my first time participating too.

  5. Thank you so much for helping to spread the word about the July 23rd event - I cannot wait to read your post that day!


  6. What a great idea to post simple ways people can help, when you do your post on the 23rd. Thanks for participating in this wonderful cause!


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